1. The closest thing you have ever gotten to a massage is a sobada.
2. If you know who Paco, Miclo and Cruzito are. #aTodaMother
4. You have used limon (or have seriously thought about it) when you run out of hair gel.
5. If sal, chile, and limon are in your regular diet...how else do people eat pepinos?!
6. If you have been warned que te va a dar un aire, you don't question what it actually means, you just don't go out with wet hair and you always take a sweater.
8. If you know the wrath of la chancla voladora.
7. If you our your siblings wore this para que no les hicieran ojo.
9. When you finally mastered the art of how to calentar las tortillas.
10. If you had to limpiar los frijoles because your mom was classy and she made them old school.